I admit that I’m growing tired of all the meta discussions on global topics where none of us here can really make a change. I’d be more interested to learn and share about what you do in and for your local community. Where we can make real change happen. So please boost and share those stories. Thanks!
@jwildeboer And this is where I talk to you about parkrun :D I participate and help to organise parkrun at Riemer Park every Saturday morning where people can run or walk at their own pace, meet with other people and go for a coffee at the Riem Arcaden in the end :)
@cpamoa @jwildeboer Riemer Parkrun is a lot of fun! Thanks for helping organising it!
I didn't yet join the coffee afterwards - mainly because I don't want to let my partner wait for breakfast that long
@yodbha oh! Next time you come, say hi! I'm Anne, this Saturday I'll be the Run Director :) @jwildeboer
@cpamoa @jwildeboer Will do
@yodbha I might remember you, not sure though :) @jwildeboer
@cpamoa and I joined forces to bring the parkrun into the Fediverse: @riemerparkrun
@cpamoa @jwildeboer So which Fediverse instance would be fitting for Riemer Parkrun
@yodbha probably the best yes, I'll talk to our event director and see if we have to ask permission from parkrun Deutschland to open a new social media account :)
@cpamoa That'd be awesome!
@jwildeboer depends on how you define change right? You can change your approach to meta apps. You can also join other apps and communities that are more aligned with your values and your local first ideals. That is change. ;-)
@jwildeboer as the old saying goes, your real enemy is in your own land, dawg
I will try to build a meshtastic emergency network in my small town
@hbauer @jwildeboer Went to an awesome talk about #meshtastic in #wellington recently, seems really awesome and a useful tool in an emergency, for which we are regularly reminded to prepare.
@jwildeboer Two things I've done since the election:
* Killed Facebook.
* Dropped Amazon Prime and the WaPo.
(Dropped Tw*tt*r long ago.)
@jwildeboer Local municipality built a small parking space nearby. I went to -full annoying mode- with them and now there are 20 trees planted around it.
Looks much nicer.