After reading so many reports that whooping cough is at a 10 year high right now, I checked my vaccine record and saw that I have not been boosted for 14 years. The CDC recommends a Tdap vaccine every 10 years, so I just got my Tdap shot. My friend just had a baby, so I should have boosted, even if I wasn't overdue. It's good cuz I'm always messing around with Rusty metal (jk) and this will immunize me from tetanus and diphtheria too! #GetVaccinatedAndBoosted
#getVaccinated #tdap #pertussis
Three different groups of friends in three different states currently all have upper respiratory infections ranging from bronchitis, to pneumonnia. All three groups have had recent covid infections. Seeing the same thing with recent patients as well. Remember when the evidence pointed towards Covid causing damage making it easier to get other infections? Yeah, thinking there might be something to that...
#PublicHealth #URI #COVID19 #WearAMask #GetVaccinated
@AaronDavid The problem is that the #lethality of #COVID19 wasn't and still isn't at a level that gets noticed.
Shure crematories were (and still likely are) on full blast and additional storage capacity was used but we didn't see ordinary people getting conscripted under state of emergency to dig up mass graves with shovels...
@old_hippie @wkfry @KimPerales My grandparents withnessed 1/5th of their classmates in elementary school dying from #Polio, so you can be shure they jabbed all their kids and told their children they'd disown them if they didn't vaccinate their children too...
The future of vaccine policy in the United States
The future of vaccines in the US—availability, policy, and guardrails—is in question mainly due to the prospect of national leadership by individuals with an established track record of ignoring scientific evidence. This also comes when we see an underlying shift in some perceptions of routine vaccination policies.
Ok, I #gotVaccinated about 24 hours ago. Flu (flublok trivalent 24-25) & covid (pfizer-bioNTech comirnaty covid 24-25) & the only side effect this year was biceps/shoulder pain. I forgot to massage it until pretty late last night but I slept through the night fine with no fever or body aches. Arm is still sore today but other than that, I actually feel great! #getVaccinated #covid #flu #vaccinesWork #vaccinesSaveLives
If you have a Kroger's, Smiths or Fred Meyers- this free $20 for getting 2 vaccines (covid, flu) during one appointment applies. I just scheduled appointments for my partner and I for Saturday and it says we will receive $40. I like being paid to do something we were going to do anyway! #covid #flu #vaccine #vaccination #vaccinesSaveLives #getVaccinated
@SwiftOnSecurity IMHO #HPV #vaccination, like #Measles and #Polio should be the norm as they are basically no-brainers...
@jalefkowit I read a bunch of articles about this and decided on the first two weeks of October, but mostly because I like to get both flu & covid shots at once. #getVaccinated
Ouch. "Counterintuitively, SARS-CoV-2 Omicron infection was associated with increased risk of Omicron reinfection in residents of long-term care and retirement homes. Less robust humoral hybrid immune responses in older adults may contribute to risk of Omicron reinfection." Paper at #GetVaccinated #CovidIsNotOver
TL;DR #GetVaccinated Paper on current BioNTech/Pfizer XBB.1.5 vaccine shows strong answer to XBB variants and EG.5 (Eris) and BA.2.86 (Pirola). #CovidIsNotOver
My job has made me travel to a lot of places all over the world. This is why I care about vaccinations. They are IMHO the biggest thing ever for humanity. We can and have eradicated diseases that way. And though not all vaccinations give sterile immunity, they at least greatly reduce the risks of severe consequences. So for me it was never a discussion. #GetVaccinated Yes, every vaccination has a minimal risk of effects that could impact my health too. But compared to what they protect for ...
Booked my #Flu and #COVID shots for tomorrow. Let's see if the pharmacy gives me both at the same time :) In case you also live in #Munich, have German health insurance and also want to get your shots: I booked at Saniplus in Riem via #CovidIsNotOver #GetVaccinated #WearAMask
Getting a flu shot reduces the risk of getting a stroke. #GetVaccinated
Just in case you forgot: we typically vaccinate against endemic diseases. That we had vaccinations against #COVID already in the pandemic phase is an extraordinary achievement. #GetVaccinated, especially now that we are moving from pandemic to endemic in many countries.
After 2.5 years, still the same result: not infected. #WearAMask #InstallTheApp