Also the blatant dismissal of absolitely basic #OpSec & #ComSec is just flabberghasting.
- It's inherently wrong to put all eggs in one basket and #Signal being not shut down like #SkyECC & #EncroChat makes it just as sus as #ANØM / #OperationIronside / #OperatioTrøjanShield and #CryptoAG / #MINERVA / #RUBIKON.
Only #decentralized, #OpenSource & #OpenStandards can actuall survive long-term and remain #secure.
- Otherwise we'd all gaslight ourselves into ignoring the hard lessions we learned that bought us to the #Fediverse and why we ain't on #Shitter or #tumblr or #BrownSky or #NSAbook (any more)!
It's the same reasons we use #PGPG/MIME & #SSH and not #X400 & #X25!
- Unlike with @signalapp one doesn't has to trust the provider or app. #XMPP+#OMEMO works regardless if you use @monocles or @gajim or do #SelfHosting and only trust code you wrote yourself...
IOW: Think "How can you weaponize Signal?" and see what you csn do just holding key people in contempt...
- And I'm not even talkibg about #Govware - #Backdoors and #MassSurveillance alike #Room651A, but just duely submitted warrants that @Mer__edith will comply with...
The less #info a provider has, the less they can be forced to snitch upon customers.
- So even if you don't give a shit that #CloudAct makes this a "#CantUse & #WintUse" (out of US-centrist privilegue to not comply #GDPR & #BDSG) for many, it's still dishonest.
"#JustUseSgnal!" is a form of dangerous "#TechPopulism" aimed at bamboozling #TechIlliterates who don't know better, abusing information asymetry to pull rank instead of investing the time and effort to *explain "how" and "why" this is indeed a good or bad idea.
- There's a reason why @tails_live / @tails / #Tails doesn't include #Signal and why I'll say it again that XMPP+OMEMO over @torproject / #Tor is the gold standard in terms of #privacy and #security when it comes to #ComSec that isn't #airgapped aka. "Airgapped PGP".
The only ones that have a chance to beat that are @delta / #deltaChat but that's just #PGP/MIME #eMail in a nice UI...
- You may now laugh at me and think my "#TinfoilHat sits too tight" but I'm shure sooner or later I'll be evidenced as correct...