is one of the many independent Mastodon servers you can use to participate in the fediverse.
Mastodon instance for people with Wildeboer as their last name

Server stats:

active users

Jan Wildeboer 😷:krulorange:

Do you have a blog at Congrats! You will soon be feeding all your content to an AI, unless you opt-out. Same with Tumblr! (Why I self-host, reason #4711) Source: and many more

UPDATE: Seems it already happened. Content from 2014-2023 has already been shared. So your opt-out will just be honoured going forward. If and how already sent content will be handled by the receiving 3rd party after you opt-out remains a mystery

404 Media · Tumblr and WordPress to Sell Users’ Data to Train AI ToolsInternal documents obtained by 404 Media show that Tumblr staff compiled users' data as part of a deal with Midjourney and OpenAI.

UPDATE: Seems it already happened and content from 2014-2023 has already been shared. So your opt-out will just be honoured going forward. If and how already sent content will be handled by the receiving 3rd party after you opt-out remains a mystery for now.