As instance #admin I do NOT want to moderate DMs. The last three spam waves from however were sent as DMs.
I therefore urge @Gargron to make it the default that DMs can only be send between users that have a follow relationship.
The current default is that anyone can send anyone DMs. I consider this to be a loophole that spammers will continue to exploit, causing a lot of extra work for site admins in an area they should keep out of, in the interest of user privacy.
I would suggest that this policy (DMs only to/from people with a mutual follow relationship) be made part of the #ActivityPub standard.
And that other #ActivityPub implementations also implement this policy ASAP. #Friendica, #PeerTube, #Calckey, #GoToSocial, #PixelFed et al.
An interesting side-effect of such a default policy could also be that in the process of establishing the follow relationship, we can already exchange public keys, paving the way for automatic and true end to end encrypted DMs ;)