Remember the old adage "It isn't true until the Kremlin officially denies it"? You now can safely replace "Kremlin" with "Trump administration" and you're still right, IMHO.
@jwildeboer I just watched that HBO movie, Conspiracy, from 2001. The fact that there's a whole unwritten agenda that everyone is on the same page with, but never tracks back to supreme leader proper, is really frightening.
@jwildeboer Seems redundant given that the Trump administration is just another vestige of the Kremlin ;)
i think this is an either/or, white house and kremlin, rule still applies
@jwildeboer These days Dolt Trump is Putin's governor of Russia's United Oblasts of America, ordered to replace America's Rule of Law with Moscow's mob boss's Rule of Low.
... Just a single letter, folks.
What could possibly go more wrong...