Hrmbl. I thought it would be simple to add a webhook to my repository that holds all the static pages to my sites that triggers a little script on my webserver to do a `git pull`. But it seems that most solutions I find are overengineered things that add a lot of complexity. Maybe I'll just do a cronjob that does a `git status` every 5 minutes and a `git pull` if something has changed. #oldschool :)
@jwildeboer I build the curl website like that. just a git pull + make every 20 minutes...
@jwildeboer or have the repository push it? I was wondering about something similar. I don't need ci/cd/ca/cq/cz
@jwildeboer can you use a server side hook? The hook script would be a curl call to your webhook you want to reach. Post-receive is at the bottom of the linked page. If its on github or gitlab they have their own tricks
@jwildeboer why a webhook and not a git hook?
@dk @jwildeboer that was my first thought, as well, and something I'm actively considering for my own site. GitLab+runner is testing my patience, and I'm running the runner on the same machine where the site lives, anyway.
@jwildeboer you could use a simple CGI Skript. I had this set up at one point ( but there I didn't share any example. Basically you just echo he completely header and body in one Skript. So your echo the headers, and empty line and after that whatever you want to return to the webhook. But the clue is that you just run commands and output to stdout is the response. Of course you can also check for a token or something like this
@jwildeboer Just to mention it now. You aren't forced to use a script. Any executable is possible. Also python, a compiled binary, ...