is one of the many independent Mastodon servers you can use to participate in the fediverse.
Mastodon instance for people with Wildeboer as their last name

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Daten von #Amazon sind angefordert, Rechnungen für Steuererklärungen und Garantieszenarien sind heruntergeladen und gespeichert.

Jetzt warte ich noch ab, bis Amazon mir die ZIP-Datei mit allen Daten zukommen lässt, die sie über die Jahre von mir gespeichert haben.

Next Step: Konto löschen und Datenlöschung beantragen.

Was superleuk om vandaag vanuit @publicspaces bij te mogen dragen aan de #MakeSocialsSocialAgain helpdesk sessie van @noorderlicht!

Mensen die meer willen weten over alternatieve sociale media kunnen nog naar aantal bijeenkomsten gaan. Kijk daarvoor in de agenda op:

Deel dit vooral ook met vrienden, familie en collega's die nog niet op Mastodon of het Fediverse actief zijn 😉

makesocialssocialagain.nlMake Socials Social AgainWij roepen publieke organisaties op om samen de eerste stap te zetten door alternatieven te gaan gebruiken voor Big Tech sociale media platformen.

The FLOSS movement has failed to build a true counter power to Big Tech's hegemony.

However, I see this potential for tech autonomy with community tech.

It builds on the nonprofit, community centered aspects of free and open source software, while addressing its shortcomings.

Boosts and opinions on what I've outlined in my blog post very welcomed.

:boosts_appreciated: 🌐 ❤️

#FOSS #FLOSS #OpenSource #CommunityTech #BigTech #SurveillanceCapitalism · Community Tech: Moving Beyond Free and Open Source Software
More from Clayton Dewey

Het zijn niet alleen scholen die volledig afhankelijk zijn geraakt van BigTech bedrijven die er geheel andere waarden op na houden dan de scholen zelf. Hier een interessant onderzoek en blog over gemeenten en publieke instellingen in heel Europa:

Pseudo Random Noise · European critical dependencies - Pseudo Random Noise
More from Pseudo Random Noise

One of the things I've been advocating for years - and where I want to raise my voice even louder - is the importance of owning your data. #OwnYourData

Over the past few days, I’ve come across two examples of how misinformation is causing immense damage, leading people to believe that there's no alternative but to hand over their data to big corporations, putting themselves entirely in their hands.

- A well-known lawyer, just before a meeting, warned about using Teams and its new "virtual assistant," which joins conferences before anyone else and transcribes everything. When I pointed out that it would be wise to use alternative tools (like Jitsi, for example, but there are others), he abruptly ended the conversation, saying, "We've lost this war. There's no alternative anymore."
That wasn’t the right moment for a detailed discussion, so I just noted that alternatives do exist - but if no one starts using them, and if we passively accept certain behaviors from certain companies, things will never improve for us.

- Just now, I received another one of those emails that hurt more in the heart than in the wallet: "Our e-commerce is taking off, so we’re moving it to Shopify to better manage our growth."
I replied, trying to explain that handing over a growing e-commerce business to a third-party company (right now, they have full access to their own server - meaning all their databases, data, etc., are under their control) means losing ownership of it. Prices could change at any moment, contract terms could shift negatively, and, worst case scenario, if Shopify itself faced issues (which seems impossible today, but think of giants like Kodak), they could lose everything. Of course, they’ll do what they think is best, but I feel obligated to warn them.

Luckily, others are making the opposite choice. But I keep wondering: since these big platforms aren’t exactly cheap, rather than "selling themselves" to them just for (potentially) fewer headaches, wouldn’t it be worth paying someone (not me, of course, but someone working exclusively for them) to handle these things - ensuring they retain full ownership of their business and their data?

"Staatssecretaris Szabó meent dat de huidige geopolitieke ontwikkelingen geen specifieke impact hebben op de SIDN-situatie nu."

Opmerkelijk, maar niet verbazend.

In de periode 1930-1939 dacht de Nederlandse regering ook nog gewoon wapens te kunnen bestellen van de firma Krupp in Duitsland.....

😮‍💨 😩

iBestuurConvenant moet veiligheid cloudverhuizing SIDN waarborgen - iBestuurEssentiele onderdelen blijven in Nederland en SIDN heeft een verplichte exit-strategie.

Open brief aan de Radboud universiteit: Oproep om serieus werk te maken van digitale autonomie en onafhankelijkheid van BigTech.

Het onderwijs is door de eeuwen heen gefundeerd op publieke waarden als vrijheid, onafhankelijkheid, autonomie en gelijkheid. BigTech conflicteert met deze waarden.

Wij steunen deze oproep van harte! Teken ook!

eerlijkdigitaalonderwijs.nlOpen brief aan Raad van Bestuur Radboud universiteit – Eerlijk Digitaal Onderwijs


Ud af tech-giganternes kløer – hvordan din organisation kan frigøre sig fra afhængighed af store tech-virksomheder

Er din kommune eller organisation afhængig af store tech-virksomheder som Microsoft og Google? Ønsker du at øge din teknologiske selvstændighed og reducere omkostningerne?

Så er dette webinar lige noget for dig!

Vi vil gennemgå, hvordan du kan overgå til alternative løsninger, der giver dig mere kontrol, fleksibilitet og sikkerhed. Vores eksperter vil dele praktiske råd og eksempler på succesfulde overgangsprojekter, så du kan træffe den rigtige beslutning for din organisation.

Dato og tid: Onsdag den 2. april 2025 kl. 9.00

Varighed: 45 minutter

✅ IT-ledere og -chefer i danske kommuner og virksomheder
✅ Beslutningstagere, der ønsker at modernisere deres teknologiske infrastruktur
✅ IT-professionelle, der ønsker at forstå de seneste trends og løsninger

Bliv klogere på
✅ Fordele ved at frigøre sig fra store tech-virksomheder: Hvordan du kan øge din teknologiske selvstændighed, spare licenser væk og opnå sikkerhed ift. GDPR-lovgivning.
✅ Alternative løsninger: Introduktion til specifikke open source produkter, som kan implementeres og benyttes allerede i dag.
✅ Tjekliste og anbefalinger: Praktiske råd og en tjekliste for, hvordan du kommer i gang med din overgang
✅ Stil spørgsmål: Mulighed for at stille spørgsmål til vores eksperter og modtage personlige råd


Tech bros are living, breathing embodiments of the false authority fallacy; claiming that their professed understanding of basic logic qualifies them to reason expertly upon every conceivable topic while conveniently ignoring a fundamental maxim of their purported core area of expertise: garbage in, garbage out.

Continued thread

My session at the @nllgg is next weekend already 😱! Speak (or at least understand) #Dutch and wanna hear me talk about leaving #BigTech or about the #Fediverse? Or just meet other #Linux and #opensource enthusiasts?

Come by the event in #Utrecht on March 15! Check this link for the full program and exact location:

nllgg.nlLandelijke bijeenkomst maart 2025 – Vereniging voor iedere Linux- en open source-liefhebber

#FOSS is the great accomplice of #BigTech dominance, by not considering its impact on society and by generally not being produced sustainably. FOSS does not defend its market position, dumping itself on the market and leaving the rest to chance. The vultures know how to make good use of this. FOSS does not worry whether its customer segment - the #Commons - is reached, and evil players are kept out.

Big tech manages to win through ‘free’ in their delivery model, where FOSS sees itself losing.

To all of you that are joining us at @Vivaldi , I would like to welcome you.

We know that many are looking for options away from Big Tech and we are happy many of you are choosing us.

We have been building browsers for a long time now. Many of us were at Opera. I co-founded Opera in 1995.

As Opera drifted in a bad direction, I co-founded Vivaldi to provide a real alternative to Big Tech and I believe we can play a very important role moving forward. Thanks for your support!

#Trump attackiert vehement die Digitalgesetze der Europäischen Union, seinen #BigTech Milliardären sind sie ein Dorn im Auge. Wir dürfen unsere demokratischen Werte nicht an US-amerikanische Geschäftsinteressen verkaufen. Gemeinsam mit @germanwatch fordern wir deshalb gegenüber #Merz, #Söder und #Klingbeil: Die zukünftige #Bundesregierung muss sich für ein souveränes digitales Europa stark machen!

Hier geht’s zum offenen Brief/Blogbeitrag: