Mein musikalisches Projekt für das Jahr:
Mein musikalisches Projekt für das Jahr:
my new album, DROWNED IN MY HEART BLOOD, is out. brooding noise sourced from field recording my own personal grief.
it's on bandcamp for digital download as well as on CD.
this was the first music i made after beginning my transition. i was relearning how to do everything and the sounds that came out seemed dissonant and alien to me at first
i think i like it better now though. or i appreciate it more. it has a kind of a certain vibe anyway
originally it was one thing, but i added some more stuff and i think it flows better in two parts now, so here’s the first
sehr gute Einordnung zu den Geschehnissen in den USA und auch dem Medienversagen in Deutschland von @ardenthistorian bei @Volksverpetzer #USPol #MuskCoup #project2025 #StopTrumpNow gefunden im Newsletter von @mspro , der mir hilft die aktuellen News zu filtern und im ganzen #noise das #signal zu sehen
Das Summen der Heizung
Ein leises Klopfen im Hauptrohr
Von Zeit zu Zeit
Und eine Tür die zufällt
In: Veilchen (54/2016):
In: Hermann, Andrea (Hrsg.): Lyrik und Poesie 2003-2017, Veilchen-Anthologie, Band 1, 2018, 978-3-7427-1900-3:
I'm in the process of hooking up a bunch of my synths to be easily accessible via a 3-tier keyboard stand.
Warning for people buying electronics in South Africa
South Africa’s electrical and electronic goods market is awash with products that are fake, counterfeit, and don’t comply with local safety standards and other regulations.
Aside from non-compliant and illegal consumer electronics, CBI-electric e ...continues
2-year anniversary update to my #introduction
Here to share #sounds, #music, #glitch art, and various #audio nerdery. Into #synthesizers, #guitar, and #noise, among other things.
I boost a lot of stuff, mostly music, art, & nerd stuff. Deleted my other account because spoons are in short supply these days. You can find schematics, sample packs, and other audio/music-related stuff on my website:
New work: #ALLUVION
Over the past two months I've been actively revisiting, updating/extending and now close to finishing this 1.5 year long journey... The actual journey has been much longer, been toying with (faux) fluid sims since ~2007...
A 50 second preview of one of my fave variations, best enjoyed fullscreen... Tried to achieve some molten, dichroic/irridescent glass & oilfilm aesthetics here, but there're over a dozen of other very different routes/styles possible too, with 25+ parameters to tweak the simulation and look & feel...
Made with &
And shout-out to these artists (11-20) and all other cool bands and albums too many to mention.
Farsot: Life Promised Death
Guenna: Peak Of Jin'Arrah
Oh Hiroshima: All Things Shining
40 Watt Sun: Little Weight
Lord Buffalo: Holus Bolus
Blood Incantation: Absolute Elsewhere
Sunnata: Chasing Shadows
Madder Mortem: Old Eyes, New Heart
Mammoth Volume: Raised Up By Witches
Slift: Ilion
Birdsong (Long Afternoon Version)
from the single/EP Open Field by feinstruktur
#TuneTuesday #MyFavMusic2024
"Krachkern" by azugm
#Noise #HarshNoise #Ambient with some vocals inspired by #BlackMetal here and there
Lyrics & more: @azugm
1. Jesus (Gottes Plan aus dem Weltall)
2. Hassliebe
3. Liebeshass
4. Zahlensender
5. Klanggespenst
6. we kill people based on meta*data
7. Verfaulter Krachkern (rotten to the weirdcore) / song for @vantablack
8. Säkerhetspolisen 666 (Tanz unter der Glocke)
9. Brunnenvergiftung (Nietzsche is dead)
10. Rede Söder
11. Politikverbotszone
12. Lynndie England
13. Freyas kosmische Botschaft
14. 1.11 (1.1)
azugm - putin død (Zeitenwende Cybergrind 11-9)
2023 song by my band, addressing the war in Ukraine in connection with #BlackMetal #Cybergrind #Nintendocore and #HarshNoise (I'll post more details in English soon)
Lied meiner Band von 2023 über den Krieg in der Ukraine mit Verbindung zu o.g. Genres
Enthält u.a. die sowjetische/russische Hymne auf Gitarre und Keyboard, Samples aus Putins Rede im Bundestag in den 2000ern, Nargaroths "Black Metal ist Krieg", gebrochenes Norwegisch und mehr
Text (ab 3:21):
Josef Stalins Urlaubsvertretung
putin død
Mehr von mir: @azugm
The Doggerland world:
Doggerland album/LP
Adrift single/EP
Biomatic single/EP
Aquaculture single/EP
The Human Veil – Breath of Morning
Ambitious, sprawling and ever-evolving soundscape that blends elements of drone, dungeon synth, noise, musique concrete, lo-fi and more into a dark but inviting listening experience.