More supply chain thoughts.
Let's Encrypt is based in the United States.
More supply chain thoughts.
Let's Encrypt is based in the United States.
New releases
• Kitten (rolling release)
• @small-tech/https version 5.3.2
• Auto Encrypt version 4.1.3
OCSP support has been reinstated in the server so existing sites with Let’s Encrypt certificates provisioned prior to the removal of the OCSP stapling requirement will not fail to load in Firefox.
Kitten servers in production will automatically update to this version in a few hours. You can also sign in to the Kitten settings page on your server and do a manual update to update Kitten immediately.
Thanks to @stefan and @s1r83r for bringing this to my attention. (
@small-tech/https version 5.3.0 released
• Uses Auto Encrypt 4.1.1 (removes OCSP stapling support because Let]s Encrypt has removed OCSP support).
This module is a drop in replacement for Node HTTPS module that automatically handles TLS certificate provisioning and renewal both at localhost (via Auto Encrypt Localhost¹) and at hostname (via Auto Encrypt with Let’s Encrypt certificates²).
So, this is how you create a HTTPS server in Node.js that uses this module and automatically handles TLS certificate provisioning and renewal for you both at localhost (during development) and at hostname (during production):
import https from '@small-tech/https'
const server = https.createServer((request, response) => {
response.end('Hello, world!')
server.listen(443, () => {
console.log(' Server running at https://localhost.')
(Yes, that’s it! I wrote a metric shit-tonne of meticulously-tested code so you don’t have to.) :)
Note that the localhost certificate support via Auto Encrypt Localhost is 100% JavaScript and does NOT rely on an external binary like mkcert or certutil.
Needless to say, Kitten³ uses this module under the hood and it’s a big part of why Domain⁴ can deploy servers so easily that don’t require any day-to-day maintenance.
In case you’re wondering why I’m spending so much time releasing all these modules, it’s because I believe in sharing every brick of the house I’m building so others can easily build different houses if they want to. I’m not saying that what I’m building with Kitten, Domain, and Place⁵ will be the end all be all of the Small Web⁶ (the peer-to-peer web). And I want others to be able to experiment by building their own tools without having to go through the grueling development process I’ve had to in the past six years to build basic infrastructure.
Auto Encrypt version 4.1.1 released
• User agent string now includes the correct Auto Encrypt version (and the name fragment “auto-encrypt” instead of “acme”).
• Tests now send `Connection: close` header so they’re not tripped up by the default `keep-alive` introduced in Node 19.
Auto Encrypt version 4.1.0 released
• Removes OCSP stapling, as Let’s Encrypt is removing OCSP support.
If you’re already using Auto Encrypt upgrade before May or your certificate renewals will start to fail. Upgrade now if you want to get certificates for new domains as new certificate requests are already failing.
Auto Encrypt automatically provisions and renews Let’s Encrypt TLS certificates on Node.js https servers (including Kitten¹, Polka, Express.js, etc.)
Regular Node.js HTTPS server (without Let’s Encrypt certificates):
import https from 'node:https'
const server = https.createServer(…)
Auto Encrypt https server with automatic Let’s Encrypt certificates:
import AutoEncrypt from '@small-tech/auto-encrypt'
const server = AutoEncrypt.https.createServer(…)
(Certificates are provisioned on first hit and automatically renewed 30 days before expiry.)
Let's Encrypt will discontinue sending expiration notification emails, and they can recommend
Red Sift Certificates Lite
Lite is the free tier of Red Sift Certificates, providing expiration monitoring for up to 250 certificates and 7-day email alerts to prevent downtime.
Just released Node Pebble version 5.1.1
• Updated to Pebble version 2.7.0.
• Now also supports macOS and arm64 (because Pebble itself does).
Node Pebble is a Node.js wrapper for Let’s Encrypt’s¹ Pebble² that:
• Downloads the correct Pebble binary for your platform.
• Launches and manages a single Pebble process.
• Returns a reference to the same process on future calls (safe to include in multiple unit tests where order of tests is undetermined)
• Automatically patches Node.js’s TLS module to accept Pebble server’s test certificate as well as its dynamically-generated root and intermediary CA certificates.
² “A miniature version of Boulder, Pebble is a small RFC 8555 ACME test server not suited for a production certificate authority.”
So I guess Let’s Encrypt has decided what I’ll be working on today then…
(They’re ending OCSP stapling support. I’ll be updating Auto Encrypt¹ to remove OCSP support and then update @small-tech/https, which uses it, along with Auto Encrypt Localhost² to provide seamless TLS support regardless of whether you’re working in development or in production, and then update Site.js³ – deprecated but still used to serve some of our own sites at Small Technology Foundation⁴ – and Kitten⁵, with the latest @small-tech/https.)
OFC that is a constant struggle.
Needless to say all #Fediverse Software like #Mastodon actually tells people: 'Hey, #DMs are not private nor encrypted beyond #SSL - #Admins can read them if they actually want to!'
Natürlich kannste der #Desinformation von #Diensteanbietern glauben, aber dann ist #WhatsApp auch #E2EE weil die #SSL nutzen (und mit der Logik auch #WeChat & #QQ - lol)!
Gerade weil wirkliche #InfoSec & #OpSec sowie #ComSec & #ITsec nur mit #Transparenz geht.
@jupiter_rowland OFC this is also due to the fact that the last 50+ years no serious attempt at teaching #TechLiteracy has been done anywhere in a formal matter.
Luckily #Education and #Knowledge isn't monopolized and Initiatives like @cryptoparty / #CryptoParty exist that basically get #TechIlliterates to a level that if they follow up what has been trained don't act as "#UnofficialEmployees" of #NSAbook et. al.
Either way, we'll all have to take part in making the world better, even if that meremy means not contribute to #Enshittification...
OFC that is a constant struggle.
@puppygirlhornypost2 @navi yeah, but that's a common problem based off #TechIlliteracy and lack of proper explaination!
Bonus points if #TPM bs prevents #DataRecovery.
@tokyo_0 #TrueCrypt is #abandonware with serious security issues.
Use #VeraCrypt or even better: migrate machines to #Linux and use #LUKS / #dmcrypt instead, as it's the best option at hand.
... Well done BoM .. as a Federal Australian Govt. funded service, it's only taken you 15 years to achieve what is the standard for 99% of legitimate internet facing webpages, (even then, just a "Beta" web site) that are capable of delivering weather information to Australians, that use .. *gasp!* ... transport layer security ...
* Slow Clap * and a belated welcome to the rest of the internet...
My private suspicion is that that finally beat them over the head with the "Essential 8" stick ... as opposed to just showing them it exists.
Granted, with #SSL being mainstreamed on the "#SurfaceWeb" that issue is somewhat mitigated or at least made costly.
Given the fact @torproject publishes their Exit Nodes this is also harder to pull off unnoticed.
@noctilua @torproject and no I didn't fiddle with my #SSL certs or shit...
Cuz I use #Oshi all the time: