Booked my #Flu and #COVID shots for tomorrow. Let's see if the pharmacy gives me both at the same time :) In case you also live in #Munich, have German health insurance and also want to get your shots: I booked at Saniplus in Riem via #CovidIsNotOver #GetVaccinated #WearAMask
If all goes to plan, I will get:
COVID: Comirnaty® Omicron XBB.1.5 30 μg (BioNTech/Pfizer)
Flu: Vaxigripp 23/24 Grippe (Sanofi)
I will ask them if they think it's OK to get the flu shot now or better to wait and get it closer to the holiday season. But COVID is not even a discussion. So far I made it through the pandemic without getting infected. So I need to keep my immune system prepared this way :)
In case you wonder why I talk about this in detail: It is quite a revolution to get vaccinations in a pharmacy in Germany. The doctors have lobbied heavily against that with really weird arguments. The same doctors who refuse to give you a shot because they claim to know better. Earlier today I posted about a father here near Munich who got 40(!) times No from 40 doctors to get his children vaccinated.
My job has made me travel to a lot of places all over the world. This is why I care about vaccinations. They are IMHO the biggest thing ever for humanity. We can and have eradicated diseases that way. And though not all vaccinations give sterile immunity, they at least greatly reduce the risks of severe consequences. So for me it was never a discussion. #GetVaccinated Yes, every vaccination has a minimal risk of effects that could impact my health too. But compared to what they protect for ...
If you refuse vaccinations for whatever reason — that's your freedom. I just expect you to respect my freedom to get vaccinated and talk about why. Is all.
The lady that administered the shots warned me that I might feel a bit uncomfortable tonight and tomorrow. This is a known effect when you get both shots at the same time. Tomorrow is a bank holiday in Bavaria, so I can just stay in bed :) That’s one of the reasons I booked for today :)